

I personally use HiveTracks constantly to keep up with 40+ beehives and all the activity that goes along with being a beekeeper! The founder of this web-site is not only a close beekeeping friend from right up the road, but also a professor at Appalachian State and has an incredible program you need to check out! There is a free version for new beekeepers to try out, and a version you can pay a small monthly fee to use. Check out Hive Tracks today!



American Beekeeping Federation

I am a proud member and supporter of the ABF, and I wish all beekeepers were! This organization does a lot to help out beekeepers, and you can see much of what goes on by checking out their website! The National Conference I attended this winter in Reno, Nevada was just incredible! I learned so much, and they do so much through legislative action, the power of thousands of beekeepers together, and so much more!



North Carolina State Beekeepers Association

I am also a member of the state beekeepers association, and strongly encourage other beekeepers in NC to consider joining! The cost is only $15 a year for most beekeepers (more if you are commercial). The resources and the magazines that come quarterly are worth the membership alone! Good stuff!
